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How To Quit Vaping In 2025 | UK Vape Scene Official Blog


Introduction - How to quit vaping in 2025

The start of a new year is always “resolutions, resolutions, resolutions” and, while it can be a little annoying (who needs the added pressure these days?), it's admittedly a great opportunity to try and ring in a few changes here and there that will make a positive difference to your life, some big, some small… if you think you need to.

Here at UK Vape Scene, we're certainly no strangers to the concept and our resolution rundown ranges from losing weight and eating less sugar to reading more and learning a new skill.

Who knows where we all might be, come the end of 2025!

Of course, health and wellbeing is often at the very top of the resolution list, with gyms packed to the rafters with good intentions, liquor cabinets and beer fridges running dry, and lighter wheels turned (hopefully) for the very last time.

Quitting smoking will always be a hugely popular choice for people looking for a significant health upgrade at the start of a new year… but what if you already managed to ditch the cigs in 2024? What if you turned to vape pen kits to help you achieve your goals?

While there are many ex-smokers happy to stick with their vapes as a solid alternative to cigarettes, reaping the benefits of vaping and enjoying better health as a result, there are also those ex-smokers who - quite understandably - don't want to smoke anything whatsoever, freeing themselves from the shackles of their nicotine addiction once and for all.

If that sounds like a familiar story and it's something that you've resolved to achieve in 2025, we're here to lend a helping hand, with lots of hints and tips to ensure that you stick to your goals and go vape cloud-free this year.

Which of these strategies do you think will work for you?

Person smoking a vape looking to quit vaping

How to quit vaping

#1 Identify why you're quitting

Sit down and think about why it is you want to quit. Do you want to give yourself an even bigger health boost? Do you want to save money? Do you want to protect others at home (including your pets!) from the potential risks of secondhand vapour?

There are many different reasons why you might want to put vaping behind you, but working out what your specific drivers are will help you keep your ultimate goals in mind, making it far more likely that you'll see success.

#2 Work out your triggers

Let's be real, quitting won't be easy - particularly if you're an advanced vaper. You can maximise your chances of success by working out what your vaping triggers are so you can avoid these wherever possible. This is particularly important at the beginning of your quitting journey, when it's likely to be more difficult to keep your eyes on the prize.

It's likely that you've got into a routine with vaping, reaching for your vape pen first thing in the morning, after lunch, after dinner, on work breaks and so on, but you'll also likely find that there are specific situations that see you vaping more than you would otherwise.

Does drinking alcohol see you taking more puffs than usual? Do you like a vape while Netflixing? Are there certain friends you always end up vaping with?

Thinking about your triggers will help you work out coping strategies and ways to avoid these situations until you feel more confident that you're able to go it alone.

#3 Go completely nicotine-free

Ex-smokers often use other nicotine products as well as vape kits to help them move away from cigarettes, but this can make it harder to quit vaping, so ban all forms of nicotine from your life to make it easier for yourself.

Where your vape pens are concerned, you can invest in normal 10ml vape liquids at 0mg/ml and go nicotine-free that way, so you can wean yourself off the nicotine first and then get to work on the more psychological aspects of vaping.

If you're struggling to get rid of nicotine but have managed to put your vape down for the last time, you can always go back to nicotine products like nicotine gum to tide you over… but ultimately, the goal should be to reach a point where you're entirely off the nicotine.

#4 Gradually cut back on nicotine

If you're not sure that going cold turkey is the way for you, what about trying to cut back on nicotine gradually? This is easily achieved with vaping because you can drop your nic strength over time.

If you're on 20mg nic strength at the moment, consider moving to 15mg orr even 10mg so you can get used to a lower strength, before moving down to 5mg/6mg, then 3/mg and finally 0mg, which is nicotine-free. Once you reach this milestone, all you have to do then is work on ditching the vape.

#5 Have an action plan for cravings

Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail, as the somewhat trite saying goes… but, as with all cliches, there's always a ring of truth to it. When quitting vaping, it can be helpful to decide what you'll do if you get hit with a bad craving wave so you're never caught unawares.

It's all about distracting yourself and taking your mind off the vape, so when you do feel that crave coming on, stop whatever it is you're doing and do something different. Head out for a walk if you can for a blast of fresh air, or do some mindfulness breathwork to help you relax.

Square breathing is a really good way to anchor yourself in the moment and clear your mind… inhale for a count of four, hold your breath, exhale for a count of four, hold your breath and inhale for a count of four.

Repeat this as a cycle for ten rounds, noting the sensations of your breath as you do. Your mind is sure to wander but each time, bring your attention back to your breath in a judgement-free way.

#6 Find an online quitting forum

A problem shared is a problem halved! Another trite saying (sorry!), but again one with a kernel of truth to it. Talking through your feelings with others going through the same experiences can help you make your way through to the other side - and who knows? You might make a whole new group of friends into the bargain.

#7 Make sure you're ready

There's no right or wrong time to quit vaping but you've got to be honest with yourself about whether you're fully ready to ditch the vape kit altogether. If you think that there's even the smallest chance that you'll go back to smoking cigarettes, it's better to stick with the vapes for the time being.

#8 Give yourself a break

Quitting will take serious motivation and determination, and it's probable that you'll slip up occasionally, especially at the beginning of your nicotine-free journey. If and when that happens, for whatever reason, go easy on yourself.

There's no point in burning down the house because the taps are leaking… just pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start the process all over again. As time goes on, your relapses will be further and further apart, until they're nothing but a distant memory.

Good luck, one and all!

So there you have it… eight top tips from the UK Vape Scene team to help you say goodbye to vaping in 2025. Let us know how you get on… and the very best of luck!