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What Are All Your Best Options For Vaping Chargers?


What Are Your Best Options For Vaping Chargers?

The upcoming ban on single-use vapes in the UK, which takes effect from June 1st (or April 1st in the case of a separate law in Scotland), means those who use them will have to make a lot of changes.

Vaporesso Xros 4 Mini Vape Starter Kit

We have already covered how people can adjust to the situation, through learning how to use refillables and understanding how reusables differ from single-use vapes. But there are some very specific considerations you need to take into account as you make the transition to a different kind of vaping.

How Starter Kits Can Help

Vape starter kits are a great way for new vapers or those switching from single-use vapes to get things going. We have a great array of these kits, which are designed for those who may be totally new to vaping altogether.

Quick to learn and easy to use, they will give you the helping hand you need in learning how to get up and running and ensure that vaping is as simple and straightforward in June (or April in Scotland) as it is now in the land of disposable e-cigarettes.

Lost Mary BM6000 Disposable Vape

A key distinguishing feature of reusable vapes, as opposed to single-use devices, lies in the battery. Single-use vapes have a small lithium battery that provides enough energy for one use, with one of the reasons for the ban being the waste (and fire hazard) that disposing of them inappropriately can lead to.

By contrast, reusables have their own rechargeable battery, and starter kits usually contain a charger as part of the package.

Why You Should Get More Chargers

Inevitably, however, chargers will need to be replaced over time, or go walkies at an inconvenient moment.

Worst of all, they can end up in that drawer everyone has these days that is full of wires and leads and plugs from a myriad of items you no longer use, like that phone you had in 2006 that was state-of-the-art then and may as well be from the Stone Age now. Good luck finding it in there.

USB C to USB C Charger

However, we do sell chargers separately and whether you want to get an extra one to ensure you are covered when another one goes missing (or has been borrowed by a housemate who also vapes), because you need a new one, or you want to have another handy for when you are out of the house, an extra charger can be extremely useful.

We have a great range of these, which ensures you can find one that suits your needs, whatever they are.

For example, it may be you want one that is designed to plug in at home and is quite enough for your needs. A mains plug adaptor is what you need in that case.

In other instances, you can benefit from something that you can travel with, such as a USB adapter for a car. Alternatively, you can have a plug-in adaptor with a lead to make use of the kind of sockets that exist on some buses and trains, with the extra bonus that none of that charging is going to impact on your electricity bill in these days of high energy costs.

We also offer different charging cables, which are very useful as these tend to go missing more than most things. It includes a cable that works between different kinds of USB devices and sockets.

How Versatility Helps You Live In The 21st Century

As a bonus, many of these cables will turn out to be very handy for plugging in and charging a range of other devices, such as tablets or mobile phones, so in a way you can never have too many; it's just those ones that only work with devices nobody uses any more that you should find a way to dispose of.

Making sure you are fully equipped with chargers is a good thing, not least due to the very fact that they can often be used with different devices. After all, there won't be much peace in your home if you need to charge up your e-cigarette but the charger is currently being used for someone else's mobile phone or tablet.

Perhaps the world after the disposables ban will take a little more adjusting to than some think. But then again, it only adds to the reality that as we gradually increase the number of electronic devices at home, we need to do more charging and end up with more chargers. That process has been going on for many years.

With the chargers in place and mastery of vaping kits soon mastered, however, you can soon be chilled out about it, because with your freshly-charged vaping pen, you can enjoy a nice vape and relax.

Written by: Matt. H